Phụng Lại

I am a Tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Cybersecurity, the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity (CEHC), SUNY-Albany.  Importantly, I am one of the AI experts in the Institute of AI (AI plus) at SUNY-Albany ( In light of a $200M allocation for AI Plus, this institute brings together assets and expertise from educational, industrial, and public health partners. It educates the next generation of diverse, well-trained AI researchers and practitioners in AI computing, educational research, and ethical considerations. 

I established a new ResponsibleAI Lab at SUNY-Albany. The main research focuses on machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), and trustworthiness in ML and AI, including privacy and security, explainability, and robustness, with manifold applications including natural language modeling (NLM), computer vision, social network, finance, healthcare, and malware system analysis. 

My work has been published at leading venues, such as IEEE Transactions, AAAI (Distinguished Paper Award 12 selected/8,777), AISTATS, and IEEE BigData. In addition, I am the holder of several patents in privacy preservation in NLP.



New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA

Oregon State University, OR, USA

Danang University of Technology, Danang, Vietnam